Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Look Mom! No Life!

As the year goes on, I am finding that 23 is a very awkward and confusing age.
 I have childhood friends who are getting married or have children. I also have friends who are nowhere near the maturity level to even attempt that degree of adulthood.
I'm still waiting to evolve from a caterpillar to a butterfly (or at least from a Pikachu to a Raichu).
I'm still in school, I obviously still play with toys (and doh) meant develop the imagination of a child, and I eat candy.
When are you too old to eat candy anymore? (I don't mean those disgusting hard candies elderly Italian men carry in their pocket, I mean that deliciously stale 5 cent candy from 7/11)
(I didn't think a Nerd Rope was universally recognizable, so I went old-school with my examples)

Maybe it's my addiction to rainbow coloured sugar and creative malleable toys that are holding me back from leaving my cocoon and entering the real world.
It is an interesting time to be a young adult (...or am i already past that stage? What do you call a maturity stunted twenty-something?)
There isn't obvious cues that signal our entrance into adulthood; young men aren't being drafted into war, and young women are not expected to become house makers before they reach their twenties.
The necessity of a quality education to the youth of Canada does not aid in ejecting us from our nests either.
Our adulthood has been pushed back by several years of post-secondary education, student loan debt, and the inability to cook anything other than Kraft Dinner.
Lucky for me, my parents expect very little of me. They understand that they have worked since they were teenagers to build a life of leisure for me to bask in. 
*Lesson of the day: You can never disappoint someone if you set the bar below the water table!

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