Thursday, November 24, 2011

You better give me that pee pee!

Getting a job in the real world is my version of the violent toilet monster spitting blue water through its teeth from  Look Who's Talking Too.

Just like little Mikey fights his father (John Travolta, when he was still good looking) and mother's (Kirstie Alley, when she was still good looking) urge for him to grow up and learn how to use the potty, I am fighting the world's need to push me out of its comforting womb of student life.

The fear of having to be be a mature responsible individual is making me hesitant to sit on the hungry toilet of life. 
(yes, the metaphor is graphic, but it helps show the severity of this very real fear!) 

Being terrified of being an adult can manifest itself in many different ways. For me, it is not a talking toilet, but my strong aversion to wearing high heels.
I know my legs look stubby, and that a professional outfit just isn't finished without a stylish stiletto. 
I love shoes, I think they are beautiful but the sound a heel makes when it hits the ground has  always represented an adult walking into the room for me. (and usually if you were misbehaving at school, it is the most terrifying noise you can imagine)

If Mikey eventually worked up the courage to "pee pee in the potty" and avoided the teeth marks of one angry toilet, it seems logical that I too can walk into the adult world with pumps on my feet and not fall on my face. 

But not just yet...I think I'll bask in the comfort of being a student in my flat shoes a little bit longer. (or until my stilettophobia subsides)


  1. Wicked...I'm glad I'm not the only person who is afraid of real life. School was never the problem, I love school. I wish I could be a professional student.

  2. Oh, to be a pro student. But, you can still be pro with flats. I usually save heels for special occasions, mostly 'cause my dancing lessons in youth have made my ankles not so happy with anything higher than 2.5".
